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What you can accomplish with
The Insider System?

TIS Section 8

Would’ve paid double!

“So excited that I signed with Innovative! One thing that helped was my WOW material that the agents course taught me how to put together. I have gotten several theatrical meetings and offers by using the strategies in the course. I would’ve paid at least two times what I did for the course because it was SO valuable! Jona walks the walk, her own success is a testament to her application of the principles she teaches.

~ Paul Walling

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Obtained a Manager on First Outreach

“I was CEO of a publicity firm for 15 years…One would THINK I would know how to sell myself. But I was a lost guppy in the sea. Selling myself was a whole new ball of wax for me. [Following through with the course], I got a manager (from the top of my list) within my first outreach. My manager then pitched me to an agency that I thought was “over my head” and they want to sign me also!”

~ Maureen Kedes

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Introverted & Confident

“To my fellow introverted and socially anxious actors and performers – this course is THE KEY you’ve been looking for your entire life! I feel like I know how to be a person, finally! And now I understand how to position myself to reach out to powerful people I don’t already know, with full confidence that isn’t based on guessing or braggadocio!”

~ Alexandria Boddie

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3 Reps and 2 Offers

“This will be my first time submitting for reps and I am so glad I invested in this course. I learned SO much about how to hone my brand to get rich in my niche and I have a MUCH clearer picture about what my actual goals are in getting a rep and discovering who would actually be a great fit for me. I have a clear action plan for how to sequence my outreach and so much more confidence that my package will accurately and attractively represent me and all I have to offer. The ninja strategies give me confidence that I will actually get feedback (direct or NINJA!) about my materials and how to follow up strategically in the future. I’ve already gotten 3 reps interested on TalentLink and 2 offers for a referral that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise! THANK YOU JONA & TEAM!”

~ Iris Liu

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“THIS course, about finding and approaching representation is invaluable. The detail and ingenuity that Jona uses to outfox any obstacles, both real and self-created, are utterly necessary. Thank you Jona.”

~ Stephen Quadros

70+ TV/Film credits including Exit Wounds

TIS Section 8

Staying on top of the changes in the Industry

“After 20+ years in the industry, I thought I had it all figured out and that things were just “harder” now than they used to be. After taking Career ACTivate’s class, I realized that the industry has changed so much and all I needed was to be shown the ropes! There are so many tips and tools that have already made me feel like I can take back control of my career. This is really valuable information! I’m working on finding new representation now in fresh ways that make me excited as opposed to anxious. Thank you for sharing this with us…we need it!”

~ Royana Black

Medium, The Cosby Show

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Hesitant at first…

“When I had to make the decision of buying an online course – which I don’t normally do – I was thinking: well, worst case scenario there’s the money-back guarantee, I can get my money back and it will be fine. But this course not only exceeded my expectations but really taught me a lot about what do with my career – besides “mastering” the knowledge of how to get an agent. “

~ Fred Fleury

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Offer from TOP Atlanta Agent

“I got an offer to work with a top Atlanta agent!”

~ Roger Anthony

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More results in a few WEEKS than in 9 years!

“I’ve been in LA for 9 years and after working with Jona, I finally got my first theatrical agent and manager. I wish I worked with her sooner! Jona gives you simple and effective techniques to secure meetings that I never thought of before. I feel further along now in my career after working with Jona for a few short weeks than I have the whole 9 years I’ve been here. I recommend her to all my friends and will continue to take her courses! Not only is she extremely knowledgeable and creative, she’s the sweetest!”

~ Amanda Carneiro

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WOWing Agents & Managers around the world

“I met with a top LA Manager all the way out in South Africa and after meeting with her have been offered representation! She has excellent relations with casting on many of the shows I really want to work on and has been submitting me via self-tapes. Also, I didn’t even know there were marketing tools beyond the headshot and resume and thanks to Jona’s course, I know exactly what different marketing tools I need in order to wow the agents. I also have better relations with my theatrical agent in Cape Town as I know how to ask her how I can make her job easier and book more.”

~ Natasha Mayet

International Actor

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Theatrically repped in ONE month

“I had taken the previous version of this course (trust me, it only gets better!) and within a month had signed with not only representation, but the theatrical rep I was most excited about on my list! Jona’s approach is thorough and thoughtful and pretty much foolproof!”

~ Tessa Lauren Markle

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From oversaturated category to MY unique brand

“I really loved this course! I’m in a tough category (white female actress in late 20s), so I feel as if no matter how talented I am, the market is so over saturated with my type, that I just won’t have doors opening for me. However, this course has lit a creative fire within me that I haven’t felt in years–maybe ever. I recommend this course for all actors who are feeling stuck!”

~ Angie Campbell