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If you could book enough work to support yourself solely through acting…

because you have all the tools and support you need to finally make things happen without wasting years figuring it out on your own…

So, you actually look forward to the next time your nosy aunt asks, “How’s the ‘acting’ thing going?”


Do it with a community of hardworking actors who understand how the industry operates and generously share what’s worked for them (including referrals to reps & acting jobs!) to help you move forward faster.

Would you FINALLY feel ready to commit to doing the real work required to find reps who adore you, build a bookable brand, and create tons of industry connections so you can work consistently even when the business seems slow?

Acting Career or Expensive Hobby?

You’re smart and hardworking. But when you sit down to do the math…the numbers just don’t add up in your favor.

You know how important it is to have good reps, so you invest in yet another round of $700 headshots plus another $800 to shoot some updated scenes for your reel. All in preparation for an exhausting month of outreach. (BTW…why can’t your actor friends just refer you to their managers? Actors can be weird like that, right?)

72 emails and zero responses later, you’re tired of feeling like you have no control, so why not jump back into acting class with Celebrity Coach So-and-So to work on your craft? 

Fast forward a full year!

Sure, you’re a stronger actor but…

  1. Your resume hasn’t grown one bit
  2. It’s annoying to see your classmates booking work you didn’t even get to audition for
  3. You’re still the best-kept secret in town

One morning, that tired saying rings in your ears, “It’s called Show BUSINESS for a reason.” So, you throw more money and a ton of trust at as many business-of-acting programs as you can find.

  • A self-taping Class a Casting Director announced on her IG stories
  • An overpriced “Find and Agent” workshop that leaves you feeling overwhelmed
  • Too many pay-to-play workshops than you care to admit
  • A customized branding session with an expert who only speaks in metaphors
  • A 21-Day social media challenge promising that coveted blue check mark

Acting Career or Expensive Hobby?

You’re smart and hardworking. But when you sit down to do the math…the numbers just don’t add up in your favor.

You know how important it is to have good reps, so you invest in yet another round of $700 headshots plus another $800 to shoot some updated scenes for your reel. All in preparation for an exhausting month of outreach. (BTW…why can’t your actor friends just refer you to their managers? Actors can be weird like that, right?)

72 emails and zero responses later, you’re tired of feeling like you have no control, so why not jump back into acting class with Celebrity Coach So-and-So to work on your craft? 

Fast forward a full year!

Sure, you’re a stronger actor but…

  1. Your resume hasn’t grown one bit
  2. It’s annoying to see your classmates booking work you didn’t even get to audition for
  3. You’re still the best-kept secret in town

One morning, that tired saying rings in your ears, “It’s called Show BUSINESS for a reason.” So, you throw more money and a ton of trust at as many business-of-acting programs as you can find.

  • A self-taping Class a Casting Director announced on her IG stories
  • An overpriced “Find and Agent” workshop that leaves you feeling overwhelmed
  • Too many pay-to-play workshops than you care to admit
  • A customized branding session with an expert who only speaks in metaphors
  • A 21-Day social media challenge promising that coveted blue check mark

I think you catch our drift…

The amount of money invested. The amount of time spinning. The amount of learning from “experts” who don’t even do what they teach anymore.

It’s just not adding up to the results you crave – solid reps, consistent auditions, acting jobs on things Aunt Carol can actually see on her TV back in Ohio. 

Which is just a total confidence killer. Making it hard to figure out what the heck to do next.  

But one thing’s for sure…you’re not quitting or going to find a “real job”.

I think you catch our drift…

The amount of money invested. The amount of time spinning. The amount of learning from “experts” who don’t even do what they teach anymore.

It’s just not adding up to the results you crave – solid reps, consistent auditions, acting jobs on things Aunt Carol can actually see on her TV back in Ohio. 

Which is just a total confidence killer. Making it hard to figure out what the heck to do next.  

But one thing’s for sure…you’re not quitting or going to find a “real job”.


Totally Learnable!

Here’s where you’ll start:

  • Work with an expert and design a personalized career plan to meet your big goals without spinning your wheels on tasks that end up being a waste of time. 
  • Determine the smartest way to brand yourself right now so you can triple your auditions with marketing materials that stand out (in a good way 😉).
  • Immerse yourself in a world-class community of other hard-working actors who aren’t crazy competitive or cagey about sharing what or who they know.
  • Begin building a supportive network of industry professionals who WANT to hire you for projects that excite you
  • Follow a proven system to partner with a full team of reps who fight for you
  • Stay accountable…even when things feel hard because you have real support from an expert coach who’s walked in your shoes.


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The Elite Coaching & Mastermind Program is a 12-month accelerator that takes driven actors like you from “what should I try next?” to a team that adores you, your money-making brand, industry connections that pay off, and more bookings than you’ve ever had before!


“Thank you so much for bringing so many, talented, successful and open people together. You changed my life and focused my mind. I loved the quality of speakers you invited…great inspiration for any actor who is serious about being successful and allowing anything they want.”

~ Eugenia Kuzmina

“I love the mastermind experience. To me, it was renewing, rejuvenating, and I felt like being with a group of fellow actors really helped me realize that some of the obstacles and blocks that I’ve come up against, even as a working actor, I’m not alone. It was nice to be supported by my peers and to get to be in the presence of an Oscar– winning guest was inspiring and affirming, and I’m incredibly grateful…There’s always room to grow. I’ve found that being around all these people, some of whom have way more credits than I do, have strengths that I don’t. They have wisdom that I don’t.”

~ Ryan Carnes

Ryan Carnes2
Tanjareen Thomas

“Before I joined the Career ACTivate Elite Coaching program, I hadn’t had an audition, a union theatrical audition, in probably over a year. Now that I’ve learned ninja strategies, [in just a month of being in the program] I’ve auditioned for network series regular roles for pilots and huge hit network shows and I just really feel in control of my career. It’s really, really exciting and it’s very powerful for me. My reps are like, ‘Oh, you got another audition! Have you heard of this show?’ You know, and I’m like, ‘Yeah, I know. I got myself that audition. Can you pass the information on to me?’ They’re happy. They’re excited. They love actors that take their careers into their own hands.”

~ Tanjareen Thomas
50+ TV Shows &Films


“Thank you so much for bringing so many, talented, successful and open people together. You changed my life and focused my mind. I loved the quality of speakers you invited…great inspiration for any actor who is serious about being successful and allowing anything they want.”

~ Eugenia Kuzmina

Ryan Carnes2

“I love the mastermind experience. To me, it was renewing, rejuvenating, and I felt like being with a group of fellow actors really helped me realize that some of the obstacles and blocks that I’ve come up against, even as a working actor, I’m not alone. It was nice to be supported by my peers and to get to be in the presence of an Oscar– winning guest was inspiring and affirming, and I’m incredibly grateful…There’s always room to grow. I’ve found that being around all these people, some of whom have way more credits than I do, have strengths that I don’t. They have wisdom that I don’t.”

~ Ryan Carnes

Tanjareen Thomas

“Before I joined the Career ACTivate Elite Coaching program, I hadn’t had an audition, a union theatrical audition, in probably over a year. Now that I’ve learned ninja strategies, [in just a month of being in the program] I’ve auditioned for network series regular roles for pilots and huge hit network shows and I just really feel in control of my career. It’s really, really exciting and it’s very powerful for me. My reps are like, ‘Oh, you got another audition! Have you heard of this show?’ You know, and I’m like, ‘Yeah, I know. I got myself that audition. Can you pass the information on to me?’ They’re happy. They’re excited. They love actors that take their careers into their own hands.”

~ Tanjareen Thomas
50+ TV Shows &Films

As an Elite Client, you’ll gain incredible insight and motivation so you never fall off-track.


More referrals to reps, projects, and industry pros than you’ve ever had before. The Elite community is special. Something magical happens when you bring together a group of “whatever it takes” kind of people. The level of commitment our actors have runs deep, so the level of support they offer is unmatched. 

An online home base for those days when you want to celebrate a big win and the days when you want to throw in the towel. The Elite Program Facebook group is not one of those “self-promoting” groups. In fact, I’ve challenged our members to find a more helpful online community out there, and no one has been able to do it.

Full access to all four of Career ACTivate’s premium courses to help you find perfect match reps, build a bookable brand, create strong industry connections that lead to bigger opportunities, and even pitch yourself for projects you’re super right for. 

Online work sessions to get support tackling the most challenging items on your Get To Do List. Think of these work sessions as the world’s greatest study hall. Now, no matter how wild your week went, you’ll have a place to go to get work checked off your list.

Oh! Did We Mention That You’ll Have a
Private Coach in Your Back Pocket?

Orange Bottom Arrow

You are unique, and so is your career, which is why private Coaching is the best way to move forward faster. Your Coach will give you a roadmap to reach your big goals. In addition, you’ll have personalized answers to questions and help with the challenges you face. 

You’ll Get 22 Private Coaching Sessions Per Year PLUS…  

1:1 Branding Session

* An expert Branding Specialist will guide you through an in-depth analysis of your unique money-making brand as an actor, what types of films/TV shows you are right for, etc. to give you clarity on how to stand out amongst other actors and book more work during this 75-minute session.

1:1 Deep Dive Planning Session

* Whether you want a step-by-step plan to start your year strong or want your Coach’s hands-on help finishing a project, this 90-minute deep dive is designed to get the job done. You will have your Coach’s full attention to focus on your biggest money-making and career-advancing opportunities and solve the biggest obstacles holding you back!

Six (6) “Get Help Quick” Calls

* Call your Coach on their private line to get help moving through a sticky time-sensitive challenge. These calls are a lifesaver when something urgent comes up and you need immediate insight so you don’t waste time spinning around in your own head


Anjelika Washington

“Career ACTivate has COMPLETELY changed my career. I went from having zero TV credits to being a series regular.”

~ Anjelika Washington

Series Regular on CW’s STARGIRL, Tall Girl, Moxie, Love & Gelato

“They teach how to network (and you lose the icky feeling that word usually brings up), how to pitch yourself for roles, how to get an agent/manager, how to level-up if you already have reps, how to build your relationship with your current reps & casting offices, how to brand and market yourself, about social media and how to use it to your advantage, and so much more. They also teach you TONS of insider tips/tactics and also ways to use technology to support you – info that my non-acting corporate world friends have been blown away by! They personally work with you to determine what your goals are, what you need assistance with and what will work best for you! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a situation where I needed to talk something out and my Coach problem-solved for me.”

~ Jenna Doolittle


Jenna Doolittle
Shawn-Caulin Young

“I’m capable of far more than I imagined. I think the thing I’m most proud of at the present moment is that I’m in a place in my career where I can create with my peers, with people whose talent I respect and whose storytelling abilities I admire. And it’s nice to finally be welcomed into that fold. What I love most about Jona and Career ACTivate in that it keeps you accountable. Really pushes you to take the next step, to be bolder, to be braver, to be louder, to be prouder…BOOM!

~ Shawn-Caulin Young

30+ TV shows & Films

Anjelika Washington

“Career ACTivate has COMPLETELY changed my career. I went from having zero TV credits to being a series regular.”

~ Anjelika Washington

Series Regular on CW’s STARGIRL, Tall Girl, Moxie, Love & Gelato

Jenna Doolittle

“They teach how to network (and you lose the icky feeling that word usually brings up), how to pitch yourself for roles, how to get an agent/manager, how to level-up if you already have reps, how to build your relationship with your current reps & casting offices, how to brand and market yourself, about social media and how to use it to your advantage, and so much more. They also teach you TONS of insider tips/tactics and also ways to use technology to support you – info that my non-acting corporate world friends have been blown away by! They personally work with you to determine what your goals are, what you need assistance with and what will work best for you! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a situation where I needed to talk something out and my Coach problem-solved for me.”

~ Jenna Doolittle


Shawn-Caulin Young

“I’m capable of far more than I imagined. I think the thing I’m most proud of at the present moment is that I’m in a place in my career where I can create with my peers, with people whose talent I respect and whose storytelling abilities I admire. And it’s nice to finally be welcomed into that fold. What I love most about Jona and Career ACTivate in that it keeps you accountable. Really pushes you to take the next step, to be bolder, to be braver, to be louder, to be prouder…BOOM!

~ Shawn-Caulin Young

30+ TV shows & Films

Hands Down the #1 thing Elite Clients get from this Program is: CONFIDENCE. 

And not some airy-fairy, “I like myself,” sort of confidence. But the kind of authentic confidence that only comes when you: 

  • Know that there’s a place for you in the industry because you’ve carved it out for yourself.
  • Easily take action because of all the momentum you’ve already created thanks to the habits you’ve built.
Have control over your destiny so you never have to rely on luck to book your next job.  

Instead, you know exactly what to do to make that happen. 

You belong in The Elite Program if you can say YES to any of these questions:

  1. You’re ready to finally achieve that goal you’ve had on your list for a while now, whether you’re new to the acting thing or you’re a veteran.
  2. The question you ask most often is “What else should I be doing?”  You’re willing to put in the work, but you want to make sure that the work will actually pay off.  
  3. You are tired of those #BookedIt! posts when you know you would book if only you could get the audition.
  4. You’re so over whatever side hustle you do to pay the bills and you want to fully support yourself through acting. 
  5. When you’re really honest with yourself, you realize that though you spend a lot of time thinking about acting, you don’t spend enough time doing the things to create real opportunities to act. 

“After just a year in this program, I can literally track each industry success I’ve had (signing with an LA manager, signing with an Atlanta agent, booking two CBS co-stars, my 1st guest star on a Fox show and a supporting role in a feature) back to either the training, resources, or relationships I’ve accessed through Career ACTivate. I can honestly say I wouldn’t be as far ahead as I am without this program. Period.

~ Yvonne Senat Jones

Series Regular on TYLER PERRY’S RUTHLESS, The Mother w/Jennifer Lopez

Yvonne Senat Jones
Max Cutler

“Before career ACTivate, I was in this lost situation wherre I had my materials, I was happy with my reel and all that, but I wasn’t sure…what am I supposed to do every day? I probably wouldn’t have had an agent without Career ACTivate. I probably wouldn’t have the wherewithal to be so forthcoming when I’m on set. I’m now on 9 episodes and counting on the Freeform show GOOD TROUBLE!

~ Max Cutler

Recurring Guest on 16+ episodes of GOOD TROUBLE

“I’ve been in LA for over 10 years. I’ve done around 40 film and TV projects in principal roles. I’ve written a book called The Hollywood Survival Guide for Actors, so a lot of actors have come to me over the years for advice, especially Australian actors/foreign actors. You would imagine that the person who so many people are coming to for advice wouldn’t have an ability to learn any more, and I learned something every minute I was in this program. Honestly, I don’t think there’s anything I could do for my career that would be more valuable.”

~ Kym Jackson

40+ TV & Films, author of The Hollywood Survival Guide for Actors

Kym Jackson
Yvonne Senat Jones

“After just a year in this program, I can literally track each industry success I’ve had (signing with an LA manager, signing with an Atlanta agent, booking two CBS co-stars, my 1st guest star on a Fox show and a supporting role in a feature) back to either the training, resources, or relationships I’ve accessed through Career ACTivate. I can honestly say I wouldn’t be as far ahead as I am without this program. Period.

Series Regular on TYLER PERRY’S RUTHLESS, The Mother w/Jennifer Lopez

~ Yvonne Senat Jones

Max Cutler

“Before career ACTivate, I was in this lost situation wherre I had my materials, I was happy with my reel and all that, but I wasn’t sure…what am I supposed to do every day? I probably wouldn’t have had an agent without Career ACTivate. I probably wouldn’t have the wherewithal to be so forthcoming when I’m on set. I’m now on 9 episodes and counting on the Freeform show GOOD TROUBLE!

~ Max Cutler

Recurring Guest on 16+ episodes of GOOD TROUBLE

Kym Jackson

“I’ve been in LA for over 10 years. I’ve done around 40 film and TV projects in principal roles. I’ve written a book called The Hollywood Survival Guide for Actors, so a lot of actors have come to me over the years for advice, especially Australian actors/foreign actors. You would imagine that the person who so many people are coming to for advice wouldn’t have an ability to learn any more, and I learned something every minute I was in this program. Honestly, I don’t think there’s anything I could do for my career that would be more valuable.”

~ Kym Jackson

40+ TV & Films, author of The Hollywood Survival Guide for Actors

Let’s Sum It Up.

Here’s How Your Elite Journey May Look: 

We’ll start with a branding session to help you refresh your materials to really highlight your most bookable brand.

From there, you’ll get to meet with your Coach to create a personalized roadmap toward your first goals.

Plus attend your first couple of Spotlight Group Coaching calls to learn from others and get the pinpointed support you need to get in the game. 

Your Coach will recommend which Elite Program course to dive into first so you know you’re focused on the right things.  You’ll have all the strategies you need to implement, plus your Coach will help you tweak things to match your unique circumstances and style.  

When you want extra feedback, inspiration, or brainstorming: jump into our FB group to connect with some of the smartest, most supportive actors around. 

And just like that…within the first few months, things will look and feel completely different. You’ll be well on your way to a career you’re super proud of.

You’ll have so much traction that it’ll be easier and easier to book more work, find perfect match reps, and build industry connections that pay off.