Just SOME of Career ACTivate’s Success Stories:

Generating Major Auditions On My Own
“Before I joined the Career ACTivate Elite Coaching program, I hadn’t had an audition, a union theatrical audition, in probably over a year. Now that I’ve learned ninja strategies, [in just a month of being in the program] I’ve auditioned for network series regular roles for pilots and huge hit network shows and I just really feel in control of my career. It’s really, really exciting and it’s very powerful for me. My reps are just like, ‘Oh, you got another audition! Have you heard of this show?’ You know, and I’m like, ‘Yeah, I know. I got myself that audition. Can you just pass the information on to me?’ They’re happy. They’re excited. They love actors that take their careers into their own hands.”
~ Tanjareen Thomas

Choice of Reps & Priceless Relationships
“My career is YEARS ahead of where it would be because of Career ACTivate! If you are serious about making a long lasting career as an actor, Career ACTivate is more than worth it! The information I’ve received and the relationships I’ve cultivated is truly priceless to me.”
~ Jenna Doolittle
American Horror Story, Scandal, Guiding Light

“Joining Career ACTivate has been a major game changer for me in my career. I entered Career ACTivate with no representation and only auditioning once a month. Through the program, I put together super effective marketing materials, learned to self-pitch, and landed one of the best agents in town. I now audition 2-3 times a week! I have learned so many helpful tools that I use regularly with success. I feel like an empowered actor because of Career ACTivate. If you want to be a working actor, join Career ACTive! Thank you Jona and everyone at CA!”
~ Hilaria Larriva
Good Trouble, MAID on Netflix

100% Confident
“After taking the agent program, I now have many new and effective ways of getting theatrical representation. Before I was unsure exactly how to target getting an agent but I am now 100% confident I have the right tools. There are so many actors in LA that you need to stand out to even get an agent. It doesn’t matter how much talent you have if you don’t have the business tools to back it up, and Jona shows you those tools!”
~ Olivia Scott

15+ Major Auditions Without An Agent
“I just moved to LA two months ago, and since doing this course, I’ve gotten myself 15 auditions, including Fox film and producer’s callback for a major CBS film,and networking a few times a week now…all this while being non-union and with no agent, something people told me was ‘impossible’.”
~ Rayman Jilani

2 Direct Bookings
“Because of the knowledge and techniques that I learned in Jona’s workshop, I was able to completely re-think how I went about getting acting jobs. Through my new approach, I was able to connect with a director who had several significant projects in the works…and I was offered a role in both of his upcoming projects and will be filming in Italy for one of them! No audition!!! I’m a believer of Jona’s techniques.”
~ W. Cameron Tucker

20+ Meeting Requests From Agents & Managers
“Using Jona’s innovative and cutting-edge tools, I have over 20+ requests for meetings from agents and managers that I truly wanted to work with (ex. Gersh, Paradigm, Innovative Artists, etc.), with ZERO IMDb credits. We generated a target list and creatively packaged my submission to stand out amongst the rest.”
~ Brian Chin

3 Career-Changing Meetings
“I’ve procured 3 meetings so far. One with a big producer/writer/show creator, one with a casting director, and one with a series regular actress. Jona’s method gives you the tools and the motivation to go beyond what you think you can achieve!!!”
~ Katelin Chesna
THE RESIDENT, Bluff City Law, The Oval

Newfound Courage and Empowerment Released My Fear
“I’ve had tons of meetings with agents, I’ve got 3 offers from different agents.”
~ Rick Mancia

3 Prestigious Agents
“With the newfound courage I gained from Jona’s empowerment, I was able to release my fear and reach and and speak to 3 incredibly prestigious agents, a very well-known and well-respected writer/director, and a powerhouse producer. It was very nerve-wracking at first, but when I reached out to the first person I already felt at ease. Each call became easier. They’re people too!”
~ Angelica Ng
The Young & The Restless, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, SouthLAnd

3 TV Bookings WITHOUT An Agent
“Jona has been an absolute blessing in my career! This year has been the best year yet!! With NO theatrical agent, I’ve booked an ABC show, supporting role in a Lifetime movie, and a guest star role in an A&E comedy series! I’ve also got countless auditions, call backs and 5 avails! I have used her techniques and they are life changing! Try and see for yourself!”
~ Kendall Alexandria
DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, General Hospital

Agents Fighting Over Me
“I’d be completely lost here navigating the trenches without Jona’s guidance. I started with was next to nothing, and Jona helped me craft myself and my marketing into a dynamite package that is getting notice. I have had agents fighting over me now and averaging 3-5 auditions per week…and that’s a good place to be. 🙂”
~ Paul Jacob Evans

SIX Agent Meetings
“I met with Osbrink, Louis & Beale, Daniel Hoff, Diverse, Bobby Ball, Buchwald, and Brass Artists, and Jona’s guidance helped me navigate the LA market.”
~ Yareli Macedo

4 Agent Meetings
“I currently have 4 meetings with agents, which is exciting because this is my first time…I feel empowered and that anything is possible.”
~ Kimberly Madison

4 Agent Meetings in ONE WEEK
“Using Jona’s tools that were provided in her workshop gave me the ability to write a clear, concise, and RELEVANT email to agencies when looking for new representation. I was able to secure four meetings in one week and will be DECIDING who is the best fit for me within the next few days! Thanks for putting the power back into my hands Jona!!”
~ Veronica Burgess
The Company You Keep, LUCIFER, Shameless

8+ Agent Meetings & BIG Auditions ON MY OWN
“Since working with Jona, I’ve had over 8 meetings with agents and managers, 4 HUGE guest star/recurring role auditions (without an agent/manager and very little credits), 2 major motion picture auditions, not to mention how in control of my career I feel!”
~ Samantha Bogach

Recurring Guest On 15+ Episodes of A Hit TV Show
“Before Career ACTivate, I was in this lost situation where I had my materials, I was happy to with my reel and all that, but I wasn’t sure…what am I suppose to do everyday, not just submit on LA Casting Actors Access. My girlfriend found Jona on a FB group and we joined the program…I probably wouldn’t have had an agent without Career ACTivate. I probably wouldn’t have the wherewithal to be so forthcoming when I’m on set…I’m now on 9 episodes and counting on the Freeform show GOOD TROUBLE!”
~ Max Cutler

Introverted & Confident
“To my fellow introverted and socially anxious actors and performers – this program is THE KEY you’ve been looking for your entire life! I feel like I know how to be a person, finally! And now I understand how to position myself to reach out to powerful people I don’t already know, with full confidence that isn’t based on guessing or braggadocio!”
~ Alexandria Boddie

Always Learning New & Helpful Info
“With an MBA and years of corporate experience, you would think I should have thought of these materials a long time ago. This program is proof positive that you can always learn something new and helpful.”
~ John Patrick Kelly
Days of Our Lives, All My Children, As The World Turns

Amazing Team of Reps!
“Following her blueprint, I signed with New Wave Entertainment, signed with a highly respected commercial agency, signed with a Southeast agent, AND I shot a pilot and a movie.”
~ Sandra Luesse
The Young & The Restless, East Los High

From Oversaturated Category To MY Unique Brand
“I really loved this program! I’m in a tough category (white female actress in late 20s), so I feel as if no matter how talented I am, the market is so over saturated with my type, that I just won’t have doors opening for me. However, this program has lit a creative fire within me that I haven’t felt in years–maybe ever. I recommend this program for all actors who are feeling stuck!”
~ Angie Campbell
Work In Progress, RAYMOND AND RAY opp. Ethan Hawke & Ewan McGregor

Blind Spots Revealed + Insights After 25 Years In The Business
“I really enjoyed working with Jona. As an actor who has been working for 25 years in the business, I found it very helpful to have insights and see some blind spots I had missed that Jona enlightened me to. It was well worth the time I spent with her.”
~ Ele Keats
over 40+ films & TV shows, including THE CRAFT, CSI, GREEK, General Hospital

Booked A Series Regular On A Major TV Pilot
“It’s been the best investment I’ve made in my career, even better than drama school…I just booked a new series as series regular (each episode has a $6 million budget) that I’ll be attached to for four seasons given the show goes on for that along. My career is about to explode…Do you really want to look back when you are 80 or 90 years old and think to yourself, “Why didn’t I do that when I had the opportunity?” Because life’s short, you only get one life…Live your dreams and go for it! You are the only one holding yourself back.”
~ Edward Coupland

Booked 3 Projects & Met With A Major Executive Producer
“I really enjoyed working with Jona. As an actor who has been working for 25 years in the business, I found it very helpful to have insights and see some blind spots I had missed that Jona enlightened me to. It was well worth the time I spent with her.”
~ Zack Sayenko

Broke My Fear of Success, Booked FIVE Projects IN 6 Weeks
“In the past 6 weeks I blocked 5 projects and off one of them, I blocked a feature that is shoting in Spring… I’ve used one of the tools we went over in the mentality class and got rid of my fear of success…. that has literally helped me book everything after that.”
~ Fred Sheike

Broken Down, Built Up, and Ready For Life
“Jona has broken me down in a good way and is building me back up in an amazing way. I am ready to let go of my fears and dive into the success and excitement that life holds for me.”
~ Andy May

Building Relationships With Top Industry People
“I’ve [started building relationships] with industry people such as JJ Perry, Lars von Trier, and had a two-hour coffee meeting with a top commercial agent.”
~ Celeste Gill

Met With A Casting Director On A HUGE Show!
“Jona’s strategies are solid. Her heart is always in the right place, telling us how to work in this business with good hearts, without fear of turning into the hardened LA stereotypes we’ve heard about (and seen). That makes things so much lighter on the mind and heart, and thus so much easier to stand excited and charge forward in our career, armed with the best strategies and tactics!”
~ Eoghan Voce

Clear Roadmap To Success
“I really didn’t know what to expect from my first meeting with Jona even though I had heard that she really knows how to get an acting career on the right track. Well folks that was an understatement, Jona is doing her true calling and you can feel that passion when you work with her. She loves helping actors get to the next level in their careers and more, I would recommend her to any actor that needs a clear road map to success!”
~ Ty Upshaw

Connected With VP of MAJOR Network
“I’ve been emailing with the writer of HOUSE, with the assistant to one of the heads of Universal and she is setting me up with a meeting with the head of casting for their features. I’ve been emailing with one of the VP’s of USA Network, a ton of directors, a ton of casting directors, I’ve gotten auditions and bookings just from her templates.”
~ Alanna Giuliani
Murder Among Friends

Control Over My Career
“Am I super excited to feel as though I have some control over the course of my career? YES!!! Wish I was doing this 10 years ago, but better now then never. Jona’s teaching is invaluable.”
~ Erik McDowell

Created Connections WITHOUT Using Anyone
“I have created connections without feeling like I am just asking for a favor. This is a big step for me because I hate to bother people. No one talks about the importance of networking and shows you how to be the best at it like Jona!”
~ Julie Mullins

Creating My Own Success
“Jona is the most inspirational teacher I have worked with! She not only builds your confidence up, but gives you the tools and strategies to take your career into your own hands and create success!!”
~ Rosy Donovan

Avoiding Common Mistakes & Standing Out
“Working with Jona has been an exceptional experience. She has given me great tools on how to market myself in this industry…she guided me step-by-step on how to go about getting what I want out of my career by avoiding the mistakes most actors make and helping me to stand out over the rest.”
~ Ishmel Sahid
EMMY-Nominated Actor

Eye-Opening For A Veteran Actor
“In the short 90 minutes [free workshop], I saw at least 3 areas where I could shift what I’m doing & how I’m thinking to get better results.”
~ Inger Tudor

“The Insider System [Proven 4-Step System To Get Res That Fight For YOU] is a very good course and the energy is wonderful. Jona’s classes help you to FOCUS!”
~ Sewell Whitney

Free Tools
“I learned quick, easy, and best of all, FREE ways to effectively network in a pro-active way to further my acting career.”
~ Vida Ghaffari
The Mindy Project

From Confusion to Clarity
“The process of finding an agent can be very confusing, However, Jona has broken it down into very manageable steps. Her tools and techniques – including written templates – clarify the process and have helped me understand which agents are right for me and how best to contact them. My confidence about getting an agent has definitely increased after this course.”
~ Christina Leone

“Jona’s program is a game changer! I mean it. I thought I had the business side of acting pretty organized…not even close. Jona showed me so many ways I can present myself to an agent or manager and really made me feel like I have a lot more to offer. She taught me to be creative in my pursuit of representation and to show my unique self to them when I communicate. I can’t thank her enough for her help!”
~ Mark Sipka

The Power to Network With Industry Pros
“I’ve been emailing with SOPHIA COPPOLA which is crazy! I also had a phone call with the producer of BREAKING BAD.”
~ Melina Hayum

“Jona is a genius! She gave me the most insightful information on how to book jobs and present yourself to casting directors and agents with a clear marketing vision. Recently Jona’s creative strategy helped me book NEW GIRL. Jona is the most passionate, encouraging, and talented actor’s advocate, who will give every minute of her time to your exact needs and help you to realize your dreams.”
~ Eugenia Kuzmina
THE GENTLEMEN, CASTLE, Lady Dynamite & 60+ Film/TV Credits

Getting Through The Door
“Jona has so many unique and effective strategies that actors can use to get themselves in the door with great agencies. I feel much more confident about the way I market myself in this industry now that I have taken her class.”
~ Drew Sease

FINALLY Signed With My First Rep
“Since working on Jona’s program, I have attained both Commercial and Theatrical representation for the first time ever. And, most importantly- I have the confidence to know if this (for some reason) doesn’t work out- HOW to get another Agent. Not to sound like a pessimist, but it’s always great to have this skillset as an Actor! It definitely gives you confidence to pick the right reps.”
~ Danielle Montezinos

Great Life Experiences
“Not only have I gotten auditions and meeting, but I finally have my career in my own hands. I’ve been able to have some really great life experiences and, through networking, made some amazing friends. Thanks Jona!”
~ Jon Bangle

Hesitant At First…
“When I had to make the decision of buying an online program – which I don’t normally do – I was thinking: well, worst case scenario there’s the money-back guarantee, I can my money back and it will be fine. But this program not only attended my expectation but really taught me a lot about what do with my career – besides “mastering” the knowledge of how to get an agent. Thanks Jona!”
~ Fred Fleury

Incredible Resources
“The most powerful part of the networking program was] the knowledge and sheer NUMBER of resources and options that we were given in order to proceed with meeting people.”
~ Ryan Carnes
300+ Hours of TV including NCIS & GENERAL HOSPITAL

Innovative Strategies Based On Firsthand Experience
“Jona shares innovative strategies for actors based on her firsthand experience in the industry, and is always looking for ways to add more value. These are both extremely important qualities to look for when you are choosing a coach.”
~ Ajarae Coleman
SCANDAL, NCIS: New Orleans & Owner of Acting Resource Guru

The Inspiration To Get My Career Back On Track
“I can’t thank Jona enough. A few months ago i was at a low point, emotionally, in my career. After much success, nothing was happening. I didn’t realize I had mentally blocked myself from continuing to succeed. Jona gave me new tools, ideas and resources to help me out of the hole I unknowingly dug myself into. She truly cares about every actor who seeks her advice. My career is back on track, all I needed was little something inspirational.”
~ Erin Marie Hogan
GASLIT, Mayans, M.C., Ray Donovan

“This program, about finding and approaching representation is invaluable. The detail and ingenuity that Jona uses to outfox any obstacles, both real and self-created, are utterly necessary. Thank you Jona.”
~ Stephen Quadros
70+ Film & TV Credits including EXIT WOUNDS

3 Reps Interested + 2 Referrals
“I am so glad I invested in this program. I learned SO much about how to hone my brand to get rich in my niche and I have a MUCH clearer picture about what my actual goals are in getting a rep and discovering who would actually be a great fit for me. I’ve already gotten 3 reps interested on TalentLink and 2 offers for a referral that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise! THANK YOU JONA & TEAM!”
~ Iris Liu

“This has been a complete life changing experience. I booked 3 jobs, been to several commercial auditions, met with top executive producer Jonathan Dana and also president of Robert Downey Jr.’s production company.”
~ Zack Sayenko

No Limits!
“I am no longer limited by what I considered personality weakness.”
~ Caitlin Stamm

Demystifies Getting Repped
“Jona is brilliant. Additionally, she has created a team and company of like minded, whip smart coaches and colleagues. I’ve just never seen anyone apply the strategies of business to an actor’s or artist’s career like CareerACTivate does and it is imperative. She demystifies getting repped by constructing a program that is very practical, methodical and not hard to understand. You do A, B, C etc. and boom…for the first time in decades I have hope again. And that is HUGE!”
~ Lori Ada Jaroslow

Signed By Manager On First Outreach
“I was CEO of a publicity firm for 15 years…One would THINK I would know how to sell myself. But I was a lost guppy in the sea. Selling myself was a whole new ball of wax for me. [Following through with the program], I got a manager (from the top of my list) within my first outreach. My manager then pitched me to an agency that I thought was “over my head” and they want to sign me also!”
~ Maureen Kedes

Met with CD of A HUGE Show!
“I contacted the casting director of a HUGE show that’s airing right now and we are going to meet and have a discussion this week.”
~ Caroline Dunaway

Monster Connection
“Great, great, great! Contacted one director / producer of multi feature films and TV shows and he was very helpful.”
~ Adrian Crawford

More Results In A Few WEEKS Than In 9 YEARS!
“I’ve been in LA for 9 years and after working with Jona, I finally got my first theatrical agent and manager. I wish I worked with her sooner! Jona gives you simple and effective techniques to securing meetings that I never thought of before. I feel further along now in my career after working with Jona for a few short weeks than I have the whole 9 years I’ve been here. I recommend her to all my friends and will continue to take her courses! Not only is she extremely knowledgeable and creative, she’s the sweetest!”
~ Amanda Carneiro

Most Productive Career Choice
“Signing on to Jona’s program is the most productive choice I’ve made for my career in a long time. The information and resources are gold, but the community is just as special and helpful in deciphering this crazy business and keeping positive forward momentum.”
~ Mia Sable

Networking Is EASY
“I used to cringe when I heard the word networking. Now I see how easy it really is and even better, what it is I have to offer. I am already proactive, I know see how easily it can be with bigger results.”
~ Landall Goolsby
50+ Film & TV Credits including BRIARPATCH, ANIMAL KINGDOM & Flamin’ Hot

Networking My Ass Off
“5 weeks in LA results = networking my ass off, landing an agent, dinner with 2 producers (produced MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING and the movie with Halle Berry & Oliver Martinez), and filming in Beverly Hills.”
~ Nancy Rizk

New Tactics For Veteran Actors
“Jona brought me into the 21st century. Her insight into the current market helped me narrow my focus which was all over the place. I wouldn’t hesitate recommending Jona to anyone who needs help with the business side of show.”
~ Miriam Tolan
GIRLS, THE OFFICE, The Dictator, The Heat

Networking My Ass Off
“5 weeks in LA results = networking my ass off, landing an agent, dinner with 2 producers (produced MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING and the movie with Halle Berry & Oliver Martinez), and filming in Beverly Hills.”
~ Nancy Rizk

Ninja Moves To Jump To The Next Level
“As a seasoned actress with numerous credits and many years under my belt, I thought I had heard it all but Jona’s fresh, energetic and knowledgeable presentation shed light on some new Ninja moves I will be implementing immediately to ACTivate my career to the next level!!”
~ Carlease Burke
Dave, Good Sam, Mixed-ish, Pen15

No-Nonsense Approach
“Basically Jona’s approach is a no-nonsense, kickass, inspiration, catapult you into the actual business of acting as opposed to some artistic, arbitrary, abstract concept that’s out there. I found it very substantial, as in I know what my next steps are to materialize my dreams.”
~ Jenny Dixon
Series Regular on FAIR CITY

O-1 Visa
“The networking course helped me get a few letters for my O-1 Visa application!”
~ Natasha Mayet

One of The Most IMPACTFUL Actions
“Meeting with Jona was one of the most impactful things I’ve done for my career. She brought clarity, confidence and professionalism to the way I market myself. I will continue to recommend her to my friends & colleagues for guidance and fresh ideas.”
~ Katie Roberts

Overwhelmed With TOO MANY Auditions
“I just finished Jona’s Networking course. At the end, I launched my *very specific* outreach plan. I was so happy to receive numerous auditions…Trust me, there is no fluff in this program. It WILL bring results, so be ready to go, once you start it! It works no matter what market you are in!”
~ Zinnia Lane
Drop Dead Diva, NASHVILLE

Power Networker In A Matter of HOURS
“Jona Xiao’s power networking workshop is a beacon for any actor adrift in the Sea of Sameness or trapped in an Ocean of Inertia. She will navigate you to becoming a Hollywood power networker in a matter of hours.”
~ Lawrence Chau
Multiple Award-Winning International Actor

Courses Are GOLD
“Within a month of taking Career ACTivate’s virtual course, I had 8 auditions and 2 callbacks for pilots and a feature film with major casting directors. Career ACTivate’s classes are worth their weight in gold.”
~ David Light
Bizaardvark, LINDA FROM HR

Realized Who I Am, What Work I Want and How To Market Myself
“Getting very specific about what it is that I WANT, and who I am as a person and what I have to offer. She helped me specify all that with who I’m targeting, the shows I would like to be on, the marketing material that I’m going to be used to get noticed.”
~ Tiffany Daniels

Reinforced My Positive Beliefs and Made Me Laser-Focused
“I had reassurance in my subliminal, positive belief. I had an idea of balance from a 3rd person perspective. She [Jona] really understands where you’re going with your thoughts. She was super mature, intuitive, empathetic, and relatable.”
~ Valerie Tian

Results Within DAYS
“I’ve gotten more RESULTS working with Jona in a VERY short period of time than all my years working with other business of acting coaches. Jona is the best out there! She’s practical, highly intelligent, honest and fun to work with. A few days after my class with Jona, I used her strategies to pitch myself for a feature film starring an A-list actor. I ended up going to producers for the role. Working with Jona has shown me what control I really have. For that I’m very grateful.”
~ Lindsay Weisberg

Offer From Top Agent
“I got an offer to work with a top Atlanta agent!”
~ Roger Anthony

Screen Test For SONY PICTURES and Many Bookings!
“I booked 2 commercials, several more films, AND screen tested for a lead in a SONY PICTURES film! This was all without representation. You can do all this for yourself! Jona teaches you how.”
~ Dani Willingham
International Actor & Model

Signed With My Target!
“Now I’m signed with TalentWorks!”
~ Donata Ferrari

Simple Yet Effective Tools
“I’ve been in the business a long time and I’ve always felt like I’ve been on the verge of something but can never quite make it across the threshold. This program is building my confidence into believing I can break out of the average actor mold and make more than my standard $5,000 a year. The tools are simple yet effective and they really help me realize what I’ve been doing right and what I’ve been doing totally wrong.”
~ Dayci Brookshire
The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants

Staying On Top of The Changes In the Industry
“After 20+ years in the industry, I thought I had it all figured out and that things were just “harder” now than they used to be. After taking Career ACTivate’s class, I realized that the industry has changed so much and all I needed was to be shown the ropes! There are so many tips and tools that have already made me feel like I can take back control of my career. This is really valuable information! I’m working on finding new representation now in fresh ways that make me excited as opposed to anxious. Thank you for sharing this with us…we need it!”
~ Royana Black
MEDIUM, The Cosby Show

Stealthy Tips
“Taking this type of class is great if you are in a rut, or need to find the motivation to reach out to find representation again. You’ll learn some stealthy tips to track your efforts, and keep yourself on task. It can be hard to market yourself but the tips you’ll learn here will help.”
~ Stacey Ann Shevlin

Customizable Templates To STAND OUT
“She really gives you really good written and oral templates to use, it really helps you stand out and separate yourself from the rest of the people. Because she’s telling you what, specifically, you need to know to be able to tell them, ‘Hey this is me, I’m awesome, check me out.’”
~ Chewie Mon

Repped Theatrically In One Month
“I had taken the previous version of this course (trust me, it only gets better!) and within a month had signed with not only representation, but the theatrical rep I was most excited about on my list! Jona’s approach is thorough and thoughtful and pretty much foolproof!”
~ Tessa Lauren Markle

Unlocked The Mystery
“Jona’s program gave me the keys to unlocking the mystery of getting an agent. As well as her first hand experience, she generously shares her knowledge of the industry, giving me the confidence for taking the necessary action steps towards getting an agent.”
~ Harry Chambarry
BULL, Law & Order: SVU

Jona’s Virtual Programs Are The BEST!
“Jona’s virtual programs are the best in the industry. Those programs were more career changing for me than any in-person coaching or class I have attended. They will save you thousands of dollars in classes and will shave off years of wasted time, effort, and money. Jona will guide you through audio and video lessons and then you’ll be given a series of action steps to take to achieve your specific goals. You’ll have a system to rely on to stay on track until your goals are achieved. You won’t feel alone or that you’re left with just a bunch of concepts in your head after you’re done with a class as most coaches in L.A. do. This is not a one time quick fix but a long term plan to get you where you need to be.”
~ Damien Snow

Watched My Career Continue To Grow With These Tools
“Jona’s advice and expertise are invaluable. I watched my career and the attention to my work continue to grow as I implement the tools she has given me. More auditions. More bookings. Jona truly is a marketing machine!”
~ Shawn-Caulin Young
30+ TV & Film Credits including THOR, TRUE DETECTIVE, GODLESS

A Wealth of Insight Found NOWHERE Else
“I found Jona’s course to be very motivational, informative and actionable. Jona will teach you strategies and tools that will open up doors and opportunities, but more than anything you will gain from this course the confidence and motivation to fight for the roles you want and are right for. You will learn ways to know about projects before they hit the breakdowns. With the fast past of casting, this is extremely powerful.”
~ Inbal Amirav

My Whole World Changed
“Since taking Career ACTivate’s class 2 weeks ago, my whole world has changed…I’ve cultivated a relationship with a major Hollywood director who has agreed to discuss a potential role for me, a network showrunner helped book me for a large role in an ABC show. I’m playing principal roles in two films with estimated budgets of between $5-$15 million…And I’m only telling a third of the myriad opportunities that have become available. Thank you Jona for giving the tools to build a wonderful life and have a compelling future.”
~ Dré Michael Chaney
BETTER THINGS, S.W.A.T., Back In The Game